NX_VERBOSE_LOGGING | boolean | If set to true , will print debug information useful for troubleshooting |
NX_PERF_LOGGING | boolean | If set to true , will print debug information useful for for profiling executors and Nx itself |
NX_TASKS_RUNNER_DYNAMIC_OUTPUT | boolean | If set to false , will use non-dynamic terminal output strategy (what you see in CI), even when you terminal can support the dynamic version |
NX_CACHE_DIRECTORY | string | The cache for task outputs is stored in node_modules/.cache/nx by default. Set this variable to use a different directory. |
NX_PROJECT_GRAPH_CACHE_DIRECTORY | string | The project graph cache is stored in node_modules/.cache/nx by default. Set this variable to use a different directory. |
NX_SKIP_NX_CACHE | boolean | Rerun the tasks even when the results are available in the cache |
NX_CACHE_PROJECT_GRAPH | boolean | If set to false , disables the project graph cache. Most useful when developing a plugin that modifies the project graph. |
NX_DAEMON | boolean | If set to false , disables the Nx daemon process. Disable the daemon to print console.log statements in plugin code you are developing. |
NX_PROFILE | string | Prepend NX_PROFILE=profile.json before running targets with Nx to generate a file that be loaded in Chrome dev tools to visualize the performance of Nx across multiple processes. |